Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Field Blog 2 Week 7

I was placed with Mr. Flynn, an advanced math teacher for freshman students. Mr. Flynn was a newer teacher in his early twenties and newly graduated. His class contained no more than 10 or 12 students. Mr. Flynn greeted the students as they walked in and class began.

The class was learning about parallel lines and transversals as well as the different types of triangles. They were learning the measurements of each angle and different theorems. The students during the class were all attentive and well behaved. They all participated with analytical guesses and answers. All of the students were intelligent and attempted each problem individually and consulted in groups. The group work they did was a very successful method for the students. None of the students had side talk and only discussed the problems that Mr. Flynn gave them.

Overall, the students behavior during the class was well behaved. A few times here and there the students would joke around with each other and the teacher but they overall behaved during class and joked at the appropriate times. The teacher was very good at encouraging the students to participate in class. He was also very accommodating when it came to explaining the problems in class and how all of the theorems worked.

The teacher was also accommodating of me and Catelyn observing the classroom. He gave us a paper with all of the problems that the students were going over throughout the class. He also encouraged us to ask any questions throughout the classroom.

The experience at Cleveland Heights High School was an enlightening one. It gave me different ways I could teach a classroom one day. I am currently an Early Childhood major but am contemplating high school students as of recently. I liked how accommodating the teacher was of me as well as the students who were walking me and Catelyn around the school to look for the classes. The students were all well behaved that I came in contact with and respected me during observations. Overall, I liked how the teacher had the attention of an entire classroom of teenagers. He was good at explaining, commanded respect throughout the class and was able to joke around and have a fun class throughout the entire classroom. That is how I wish to be as a teacher. I want to command respect, have fun and be able to teach a classroom of respectful kids.

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