Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blog Post 6

Going into Freire's description of what the banking method was, I remembered learning about the process from a previous class last semester. When I reread about the banking method, it only reemphasized how strongly I felt against it. Banking is a form of dehumanization. It allows control over the student making the student oppressed. In my honest opinion though, I feel that after having read the entire book of Pedagogy of the Oppressed earlier this year, I learned that both the oppressed and the oppressors are oppressed and neither one can be liberated until there is a mutual understanding between each of the parties. Thus speaking, unless the oppressors (in this case the teachers) are aware that they are oppressing the students through the banking method (students are the oppressed) nothing can be addressed to fix the communication between the two. It is crucial and the job of the oppressed to aware the oppressors that what they are doing is wrong. Unless the students let teachers or someone of higher power, that the method is not a beneficial method, nothing can be fixed and handled. The more society is aware of how the banking method dehumanizes students, the less that banking will be allowed to be used in school systems. It is all about control and those who have the power to do something, have the responsibility to do something.

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